Monday, August 11, 2008

About this dress...

So you're married! Congrats and welcome to the world of Newlyweds. We're happy to have you- now get started on those post-wedding chores, happily ever after doesn't just create itself you know! It's true, there are plenty of mundane tasks to accomplish upon your return to reality. For instance, that whole name changing process, the DMV, the insurance policies, don't forget to order new checks, thank you notes... the list is actually quite long and will likely take you most of your first year to complete fully. Or longer if you're a procrastinator. Today, let's focus on something less real world like and more sentimental. Your Wedding Gown.

What can I do?

Cleaning and Preserving the Gown-- It is recommended this be done within 30 days from the wedding. I've seen and heard wonderful testimonials however, that do not follow this rule, so look for the best if you're intent on keeping this dress in tip top condition for years to come. The first place I recommend researching on this journey- is the salon you purchased the dress from. Some have their own process, or can advise you of a great professional in the area. My own dress was simply stuffed back into the bag I picked it up in. And it still hangs in there-- every dirty trace exists on it still, and for the most part I remember how each of them came to be! Sometimes peeking at this most definetly used and abused hanging satin fabric brings me right back to the aisle I walked down and the floor I danced the night away on. Do I honestly think my daughter is going to wear it on her wedding day? Absolutely not. In fact, I don't have a daughter anyways, I have boys. I am even more certain their one day fiances will be even LESS interested. If I do manage to get around to that whole cleaning thing, it will simply be so one day I can play dress up while no one is home and pray that I don't bust a zipper trying to squeeze into the darn thing!

Donating the Gown-- Brides Against Breast Cancer is one of my favorite foundations. They are responsible for bringing so much peace and happiness to patients losing their fight with breast cancer through wish granting. Here's how it works in a nutshell-- You donate your dress. A new soon to be Mrs. then purchases it at a gown sale, monies made help make wishes and dreams come true for breat cancer patients nationwide. More good news for you-- the donation is tax deductible.

Resale-- this trend has become very apparent on online auctions like Ebay. Some of my budget Brides have found some really amazing bridal products here and dresses are among the loot they're showing interest in! If you find yourself in need of cash post-wedding, resale may be of interest to you. Just be sure to do your research beforehand to avoid any disappointments or missing payments! Your safest bet is likely to ask around-- everyone knows someone getting married and these days, that someone is usually looking for any steals she can get!

Trashing It-- This is something I found while visiting a local videographer's website. They offer a video session for recently married Brides to just kill the darn dress on camera and make an interesting statement and keepsake memento. If this has "you" written all over it, talk to your videographer (or a good friend for that matter) about how to make it happen.

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