Thursday, August 28, 2008

New Homeowners: Save some money for...

...Home Maintenance Equipment. Rakes, weed eaters, shovels, power washers, hoses, sprinklers and most importantly- a decent grass mowing machine. Each of the above listed items have been brought up since we moved into our new home 6 months ago. During our first date I mentioned to my now husband that I don't do yard work. At the time he brushed it off as a typical "high heel wearing-eww that's dirty-oh it's too hot out here-I'll be inside making you lemonade in a bikini-young woman" comment. I am all for paying someone to maintain our property, after all, lawn maintenance companies need business too! Trust E. Steed (above mentioned Husband of mine) however, gets his weekly testosterone injection by sweating off 10 lbs, getting all grassy and dirty, while swiftly chopping away at every little blade of grass in our front and back yards. So every Sunday morning (weather permitting) instead of working on some other project together with the boys or otherwise indulging in sacred family time- we watch him from the windows, bring him water and give compliments to his hard work every 30 minutes or so.

When our moving caravan arrived at our new home, we were welcomed with a few surprises from his parents. One being a great garage sale steal- a push mower! (We were moving from an apartment, we had nothing along the lines of yard/outdoor maintenance to our names.) Each week that followed Trust E. and his aura of "outside" would come barrelling into the house saying "I need_____ (weed eater, a rake, longer hose, etc. etc. etc.) can I go get it?" And off he would go to drain our savings account further with the purchase of another shiny (yet necessary, I'll admit) object to home itself in our garage.

As one may imagine, a young family purchasing their first home doesn't have much in savings to begin with, and the "outside" quickly took more than its share of the funds. With our fully loaded arsenal of machinery and weapons against un-maintained lawns, we felt on top of the world! One lovely Sunday I decide to grab a quick shower while Trust E. was out being manly in the front yard. About 2 minutes into the shampoo cycle, I am startled half to death by my husband's furious request for "a new mower and which credit card can I use to get it?!" Fantastic. Our super garage sale steal had just chowed down on its last blade of grass and the back yard is in jeopardy of attracting people looking for a safari into the jungle.

A few hundred dollars (plus interest yet to come!) and a shiny red new toy later, Trust E. is happily enjoying his manly excursion once again and I am growling at the hunk of junk still taking up space in my garage for beefing up my credit card statement.

As a first time home buyer you will certainly cross many expensive intersections such as these. In an effort to fend off the enemy of debt, put some of the wedding gift cash flow into a high interest CD for a few months at least. When you finally move into your new home, you'll then have some reserves lined up for feeding a testosterone addicted husband, and hopefully some left over to dress the lemonade making-bikini wearing-good lord it's hot out here!-supporter you have within you!

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